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Updates from latest SAGAS meeting


SAGAS 113 ERA Meeting notes - LAM LHA.pdf
S11301 Draft Agenda.pdf
S11310 Guidance on the use of temporary airport ID cards (point
S11309 ECAC report to SAGAS.pdf
S11308 ICAO update 2024 June.pdf
S11306 Trials of equipment.pdf
S11303 Summary record AVSEC 116.pdf
S11302 Draft Minutes SAGAS 112.pdf
S113 Presentation ENISA Situational Awareness Update.pdf
S113 Presentation EASA GNSS Jamming Update.pdf
S113 Presentation APID Trials.pdf

Updates from latest SAGAS meeting

9 July 2024: The 113th meeting of the Stakeholder Advisory Group for Aviation Security (SAGAS) took place on 20 June in Brussels, with Rose Marengo from ERA member LAM LHA once again attending on behalf of the association.

The EU’s Stakeholder Advisory Group for Aviation Security (SAGAS) is a formally constituted consultation body that meets approximately four times a year. Membership consists of the European Commission (DG MOVE), Member State and Industry security representatives.

Topics discussed at SAGAS 113 included an update on the aviation security strategy, cybersecurity (including the latest discussions from the subgroup tasked with mapping differences and potential conflicts between the various cybersecurity policy initiatives), as well as continuing discussions on liquids, aerosols and gases (LAGs) given the UK DfT decision to reintroduce LAG restrictions.

Additional agenda items also discussed included ongoing UK/EU and US/EU cooperation, an overview on EASA activities which focussed on the continuing threat of GNSS interferences and spoofing, the latest status on one-stop security and discussions on drones and inspection activities.

Following the meeting, on 8 July, the European Commission met in closed sessions with Member States to discuss recent developments in the context of LAGs, and to exchange information in the light of the recent actions taken by international partners.

The output from that meeting is contained in the meeting notes which can be found in the download section in the top right, along with the agenda and all relevant papers/presentations.

Please note these are locked for members only.