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Successful ERA AI webinar with Clyde & Co

Successful ERA AI webinar with Clyde & Co

28 November 2023: With Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies becoming more prevalent in the aviation industry, nearly 50 member representatives joined a webinar held on 23 November, held in conjunction with ERA member Clyde & Co. The presentation and recordings from the webinar are now available.

The integration of AI technologies such as machine learning and data analytics is starting to touch many aspects of the aviation industry. From aircraft design, engineering, flight operations, air traffic management to passenger services and revenue management, these technologies have the possibility to improve efficiency, safety and decision making.

Whilst the benefits are significant, naturally there are risks that need to be addressed. These include how the data is used, company liabilities, accountability, transparency and ensuring robust cybersecurity processes and practices to ensure that any potential vulnerabilities are mitigated.

ERA was therefore delighted to welcome Chris Williams and Tom Tippett from ERA member legal firm Clyde & Co to discuss the both the benefits of AI and discuss in detail the risks, challenges, and the differing regulatory landscapes between the EU and the UK.

Members can find the webinar presentation here (please note this is locked for members only and will require you to log in to access) and a link the recording can be requested by emailing

Should members have any questions, you can contact Clyde & Co using the following email addresses: